Course Overview
The class is about the fundamentals of IT security in theory and practice. It details the core security principles of Integrity, Confidentiality, and Availability. It describes risk management and how to think about potential security risks/threats. It describes the AAA model for access control as well as proper password practice. Described in detail are different password and malware attacks. It details the essentials of network security by describing the different types of firewalls, VPNs, honey-pots/nets, and DMZs. It discusses Windows/Microsoft specific security such as Windows Defender.
Course Reflection
I learned a lot about Microsoft’s Active Domain as well as permissions and rights. I learned a lot about the big picture of security with Access Control, Defense in Depth, and The Principle of Least Privilege. I learned about threat and risk management as well as what and where different threats are and where they could come from. My knowledge of Certificates and Signatures as well as encryption were also expanded on. I also learned about the best password policies and how to implement them.